Be content with what you have, because God has said, " Never will I leave you; never will I
forsake you." - Hebrews 13:54
A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and
realize how blessed you are for what you have
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious
is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savoured.
Whether you're
looking for guidance in love, health, or just how to start your day off on the right foot, the Bible has a way of providing comfort and direction for every aspect of
2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that ALL Scripture is inspired by God and useful
for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. The Bible is a work of God that was written by human men that were inspired by God. What
better source of inspiration than our Creator! Whether you are looking for motivation, encouragement, reassurance, or peace, the Bible should be the first resource you turn
God is the
ONLY one that can change someone. Leave it in his hands.
Love always
protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
All authority
comes from God, and those in position of authority have been place there by God - Romans 13:1
Do not talk to a
person with high temper, instead talk in soft when he/she lower already their emotions
Store up food, count
your savings everyday for your future. (principle of the ants)
I urge , then, first
of all, that petitions of prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and
holiness - 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Stress is real, but
we always have a choice-- we can let it consume us or we learn to control it.
A real man loves
his wife, and places his family as the most important thing in life. Nothing has brought me more peace and content in life than simply being a good husband and father.
God's 5 Purposes for Ruling Spear to Follow
We were planned for God's pleasure
so your first purpose is to offer real worship.
We were formed for God's family
so your second purpose is to enjoy real fellowship.
We were created to become like Christ,
so your third purpose is to learn real discipleship.
We were shaped for serving God
so your fourth purpose is to practice real ministry.
We were made for a mission
so your fifth purpose is to live out real evangelism.
We are all born the same way: as humans, and therefore deserve the same rights and acceptance as long as
we all follow the laws and comply with the norms set to protect all individuals.
“God sees before things happen.”
When we listen to the radio, or read the newspaper and watch on TV and even online news, usually what are being highlighted are “bad”
news. And precisely so, because “bad” news sells, it gets the attention of people. And of course, media is into business. We may sigh in dismay that all of these evil and gruesome things are
happening all around us. The questions we may ask would be “Does God know this will happen?” If so, why did God allow these ugly events to happen? Yes, this a common reaction and common concern.
Knowing that God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present, the answer obviously is YES! He knows these things will happen and He knows them even before they occur. This is the providence of
God-He sees the future! God has given mankind the freedom to choose, He will not force or coerce anyone. But we also know that man by nature, will choose to do his own way and would rather
wilfully disobey God, and stubbornly disregard Him. As believers, children of God, we fully know and have the full confidence that God is sovereign! He is in full control. We also know that God
is a merciful God but let us not forget that He is also a “just” God. There is no such thing as consequenceless sin. God is God of order. Let us continue to do good, serve God and trust Him. Have
faith in God. One day, wicked people will be cut-off. Justice may be slow but payday is coming. Amidst fears, worries, chaos and anxieties, we are assured that real and true source of joy, peace
and security is no other than God Himself! Wait on the Lord, He knows what He is doing! And we can trust Him!
“Success is not in things, possessions, or fame.”
Many people desire to have these and think that they are successful in life. If this is true, why are there rich people who commit suicide? Or even
famous actors end their life amidst abundance of money and sterling popularity? True success based on biblical principle, is knowing and doing what God intends for you to do. It is the
progressive realization of the will of God for your life. Here are some practical examples:
1. Do good
2. Be just
3. Love mercy
4. Walk humbly
5. Have the delight in serving God
6. Be conformed to the image of His Son Jesus Christ
The good, acceptable and perfect will of God can be known through:
1. His Word
2. His Walk
3. His Ways
Doing the will of God for your life gives you real meaning and fulfilment in life. Be successful in the eyes of God!
“God has given us the freedom to
We are not forced or
coerced to obey Him. Let us be reminded though that even if we have the freedom to choose, we do not have the freedom to choose the consequence of our choice. If we choose to obey, it means
blessings, if we choose to disobey, it means curse or punishment. Because God has given mankind to choose, our nature is to choose sin or evil. We have the tendency to make wrong choices and
suffer the painful consequences. A practical example for this how God designed the family composed of the father, the mother and children. If the father or the mother sticks to what he or she has
vowed during the wedding, then the result is a happy, peaceful, and intact family. But when the father or mother choose to break his or her vows, then turbulence will happen to the family and it
will affect the children. There are even women who will destroy one family to build their own family - this idea outrageously wrong and distorted! But we know that this is a reality. When we love
our spouse, it is a free love not a forced love. The same thing with God, we are not forced but we are free to love Him, not out of obligation but coming from the heart. It is not a reason to
stop doing good because others are doing bad. Do good and do right! Choose to obey Him and experience the blessings that God has promised.
“Obedience is the key to
In order to have a
winning attitude in life , we must insist on INTEGRITY! Integrity is doing right even if no one is looking. It goes beyond telling the truth on a need to know basis. For believers, once the Holy
convicts you of something that you must do, you have to follow. Resisting the Holy Spirit’s leading and conviction means you are not obeying God’s will but you just want to do your own thing.
Sometimes thinking it over and allowing time to pass, or simply ignoring the prodding of the Holy Spirit. The good thing about following and obeying the prompting of the Holy Spirit would result
to your own benefit and blessings. God will make sure that you are correspondingly and appropriately rewarded for being obedient. You may do otherwise, and you will anticipate that NOT favourable
or unpleasant things will follow - and you will surely know it. To obey is better than sacrifice and obedience is always the key to blessings! Why not just obey and experience great and mighty
things from God! You will be blessed, your family will be blessed, your church will be blessed, the company that you are working will be blessed! Your loved ones and those around you will be
blessed! Above all , you bless the name of God and God is delighted!
“The anchor of our faith is the Lord Jesus Christ.”
He is the only way, the only truth and the only life. Here is more to faith, hope and love. When all the villagers gathered and decided to pray for
rain, only one boy came with an umbrella- that is faith. Every night we go to bed without any assurance of being alive the next morning, but still we set alarms to wake up - that is hope. We
see the world suffering but still we get married and have children- that is love! No matter what circumstances we are in, let us be comforted with the fact that Jesus Christ is the anchor of
our faith and He is our blessed hope. Christianity without faith and hope is meaningless. Thanks to Jesus that He gives daily powers and guidance. Here is from the acronym CHRIST, Jesus
C- Cleansing Power
H -Healing Power
R - Restoring Power
I - Identifying Power
S - Strengthening Power
T - Transforming Power
He will never leave us nor forsake us. His presence is our security. In God, we are complete. He will never desert or abandon His children. God
loves you and me. These three will remain: Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest of these is love!
“In unity, there is strength.”’
In any organization, association, group, team, party, church and family- unity and teamwork is vital. The success of any undertaking,
activity, project or endeavor, is always credited to teamwork and not to a single individual. God designs for believers to work as a team, to cooperate and every team member is to give the
best contribution for the team. God does not call us to be perfect, but to be excellent-doing the best of what we can do. Here is an acronym ENERGY for unity and teamwork:
E- Emphasize the best in each other(not the weakness)
N- Never try to control each other(you need not shout, you can be silent but firm)
E- Encourage the free flow of ideas(listen and consider the suggestions of others)
R- Replace competition with cooperation(all teammates are important and they have a role to play, do not compete but complement and
G- Give what you have and watch it multiply(do not be selfish, a thing that is done together, the result is multiplied not just
Y- Yield the credit to others(in other words-be humble, always appreciate the effort of everyone no matter how small it
Like Paul, he said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
“Coming together is a beginning, working together is a progress, staying together is a success! “ To God be the glory!
“Jesus still the answer!”
With the reality of the Covid Pandemic, and its resurgence to an alarming level, and many are infected, rich or poor, young and old, male or female, many have
died because of this plaque. People are afraid and we are subject to worries and anxieties. Some may surmise that our government leaders are not doing well enough to combat this virus. Some
have even selfish motives with the vaccination program. One may just sigh in disgust, to unscrupulous people who have produced “fake” vaccine just for profit. It’s quite a sad revelation or
opinion. It might be true or not. Our responsibility is to pray for our leaders because it is God who installs leaders and it is also God who removes leaders. God knows everything and all
motives done by our leaders. No one can fool God. Our responsibility as Christians is laid out in 2Chron. 7:14. God’s healing is conditional; “if my people which are called by may name shall
humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land.” We can trust God, He is
all-powerful, all-knowing and all-present. He is sovereign and He is in full control. It is high time to share the good news, the gospel, that Jesus died, He was buried and on the 3rd day
rose again for all mankind. The responsibility of every person is to accept Him as his Lord and Saviour. To have a personal relationship with Jesus. He said, “I am the way, the truth and the
life.” He willingly died for you(no one else). Yes, we need to follow health protocols and safety measures. The bottom line is- Our true and real source of protection and safety amidst this
pandemic is no other than God Himself.
“Trials and difficulties build you up!”
We have noticed this in our daily living. When we have money, we have good job, or business is brisk, we have good health, our family is okay, our environment
is just fine, our natural tendency is to remain calm, composed, and contented BUT notice this: We may also think that we do not God! We do not have the sense of urgency in our service for
God. Even our prayers, oftentimes become ritualistic and repetitive- why? Everything is fine! What is dangerous here is we come to a point that we forget God who gives us all those blessings.
Yes, there are times that the “blessings” are what we are after of and not the “Blesser.” This is one of the reasons why God sends another form of “blessing” which are the difficulties,
struggles, pain or sufferings we face in life. These will remind us to change our focus, not on the ease, comfort or convenience in life but to shift our dependence on God. It is in our
hardest or most difficult times in our life that we are bent the most. And yes, we pray to God out of a pure heart and we are certain that God is there, He is present and ready to hear us and
to help us in times of distress. Sometimes we do not hear the instructions, leading and guidance from God through the Holy Spirit when we are “full” but at times when we are in dire need and
empty, that is the time when we seriously consider God. We hear clearly and loudly His words of caution, instructions and words of encouragement and assurance. He communicates with us in a
clear, distinct and specific manner, that we cannot decipher when we are focused on ourselves, our endeavors, doing our own will, to the point that we become callous and stubborn. So, let’s
welcome difficulties in life as God-given gifts and blessings! They will bring us closer to God and will help build stronger faith in Him. The bottom line is “All things (good things and bad
things) work together for good, to them that love God, and to them who are the called according to His purpose.” God is good, all the time!