Belief and God's Word



1. Gerry Araneta "Ruling Spear" a born again Christian, having a spiritual transformation and  acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior sometimes on November 16, 1999. In John 3:3-7, Jesus says to Nicodemus, " I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." Gerry is claiming as a child of God and going to fellowship service every Sundays at Jagna Christian Gospel Fellowship when in Jagna, Bohol and Family Christian Fellowship when in  Tagbilaran City and he is going to Christ Committed Fellowship (CCF) in Pasig City when he is in Manila; His family lives in Colorado Homes Subdivision, Guiwanon, Bohol and sometimes 


2.  We believe in the Holy Trinity: one God that is divided into three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We  believe that Jesus himself is God, was born of a virgin, died on a cross, and was resurrected after three days;



3. We are saved by Faith alone, not by good works. Jesus is our Lord, from the Lord’s Lord's judgment and will spend eternity with Him in heaven. We believe that salvation is possible because upon Jesus' death, he became a perfect sacrifice as he never committed any sin;


4. Transforming Power of God: We believe in the resurrection power of God. Our faith is based on a living God, since Jesus was raised from the dead;


5.    Baptism: The ritual of baptism is used to symbolically identify with being buried with Christ and being reborn into a transformed existence, but  physical baptism must be preceded by a spiritual one, where the person is "taken out of the devil's realm and baptized into Christ by the Holy Spirit himself."